Class symantec.itools.db.beans.dbnav.model.item.TableTypeItem
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Class symantec.itools.db.beans.dbnav.model.item.TableTypeItem


public class TableTypeItem
extends Object
implements DataItem

The class represents a table type node of dbNavigator

1.0 06/13/98
Hristo Tonev

Variable Index

 o displayName
The name of the type: TABLE, VIEW, etc.

Constructor Index

 o symantec.itools.db.beans.dbnav.model.item.TableTypeItem()
Default constructor
 o symantec.itools.db.beans.dbnav.model.item.TableTypeItem(String)

Method Index

 o getDisplayName()
 o setDisplayName(String)
 o toString()
This method return the string that gets displayed in the tree for the root node


 o displayName
protected java.lang.String displayName
The name of the type: TABLE, VIEW, etc.


 o TableTypeItem
protected TableTypeItem()
Default constructor

 o TableTypeItem
public TableTypeItem(String displayName)


 o getDisplayName
public synchronized java.lang.String getDisplayName()
 o setDisplayName
public synchronized void setDisplayName(String displayName)
 o toString
public java.lang.String toString()
This method return the string that gets displayed in the tree for the root node

toString in class Object

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